RDF ( Refuse-Derived Fuel )

@ Courtesy of Ecostar.eu.com

RDF ( Refuse-Derived Fuel )

Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF): Environmentally Friendly Fuel from Waste. Waste is one of the environmental problems faced by many countries, including Indonesia. The amount of waste produced continues to increase along with population growth and consumption. Improper waste handling can cause various negative impacts, such as environmental pollution, unpleasant odors, and the spread of disease.

One solution to overcome the waste problem is to use it as fuel. One type of fuel that can be produced from waste is refuse derived fuel (RDF). RDF is a fuel made from urban waste that has been processed to increase its calorific value.

The process of processing waste into RDF consists of several stages, namely:

Sorting is carried out to separate waste based on its type, namely organic waste and inorganic waste. Organic waste is waste that comes from plants and animals, while inorganic waste is waste that comes from synthetic materials.

Chopping is done to cut inorganic waste into small sizes. The size of the shredded waste usually ranges from 2-10 cm.

Drying is done to reduce the water content in the waste. Low water content will increase the heating value of RDF.

Processing can be carried out by various methods, such as pyrolysis, gasification, and mechanization. Pyrolysis and gasification methods will produce gas that can be used as fuel. The mechanization method will produce RDF that is ready for use.

RDF has a fairly high heating value, which ranges from 8-14 MJ/kg. This calorific value is equivalent to the calorific value of coal. RDF can be used to produce electricity, heat, or for industrial fuel.

Using RDF as fuel has several advantages, namely:

In Indonesia, the use of RDF is still in the development stage. Currently, there are several locations for processing waste into RDF, such as in Cilacap Regency, Central Java Province. Development of RDF utilization needs to continue to be carried out to overcome the waste problem and increase the use of renewable energy.

RDF Pellet

Flow Process RDF Cilacap

Source : Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Cilacap